Member-only story
Okay, I’ve Had Enough
It’s time to take off the gloves and save lives
I hate confrontation, and I wilt when people argue with me, so I’m going to do it here, where no one can yell at me until I’m done. I’ve had it with all the arguments over to vaccine or not to vaccine. I’m tired of trying to be logical about the importance of getting the shot. Here is the truth as I see it (and it’s my article, so I win. If you disagree, write your own damned article.)
GET THE DAMNED VACCINE. I don’t care if you think there’s a microchip in it — your phone has one, so “they” (whoever “they” are) already are following you and know everything there is about you that you haven’t already put on social media, you morons.
YOUR “RIGHTS” END WHERE MINE BEGIN. You certainly have the right to kill yourself. You do not have the right to take people around you with you. If you want to jump off a cliff, do it, but don’t hold hands with everyone else in your life. If you want to run into traffic, do it, but do not take everyone in your vicinity with you. You think you’re immune, fine, but not everyone shares your belief, and you may just be wrong. Take that risk, if you choose, but don’t force every person you come into contact with to take it, too.
WEAR A MASK. I know it’s uncomfortable, confining, and robs the rest of us the full sight of your…