Member-only story
I Think I Need to Leave Medium
Anyone have any suggestions as to where I can go instead?
I wrote my first story on Medium back in 2020 or maybe 2021; I couldn’t get my stories list to go back to the beginning. Maybe that’s part of my problem. My technological skills aren’t good enough.
It is not even the money. I pay $5 a month to be able to write on here, so all I really need to make is at least $5 to break even. But when I first started to make money, I was making on average $30 a month, with an occasional $100 a month thrown in. I really wasn’t happy about that, because it cost me money at tax time, so when the pay started to go down, that was actually a good thing.
Last month, I made $0.52 profit. I’ve made progressively less each month. Soon, I will be paying Medium to let me write on here, even more than the $5 a month I already pay. Much as I enjoy writing, I don’t want it to cost me money,
I’ve made some friends on this site, and I will miss them, but perhaps I can make new ones somewhere else where I feel more valued.
I’ve published under different platforms, like Dancing Elephants, Crow’s Feet, New Writers Welcome, and others. I’ve also self-published. The last article I wrote, I tried to publish on Crow’s Feet, but the button wouldn’t work. Then I tried all the other sites, and those buttons didn’t work either. I seem to be shut out.
So I’m asking my friends here to give me suggestions for other platforms I can write on. Medium has been the only place I’ve called home for my beloved children/articles, but I think it’s time to move on.
Any suggestions? I think a graceful exit is called for when I no longer feel wanted.