Member-only story
I Have to Rant
Or I am going to explode
If I don’t let this out, I’m going to explode. Bigly.
It started when the man who felt for the pulse of a little girl face down in the bushes after one of the latest shootings. He couldn’t find one, so he turned her over to look at her face. His words: “She didn’t have a face.”
A child with no face. Picture it. Picture your child, your grandchild, your great grandchild. Picture your niece. Anyone’s child. A child. With no face.
Why? Because the Republicans are owned by the makers and sellers of guns. For mass shootings, it’s the military grade weapons. For the kid who gets shot playing hide and seek who plays in the wrong yard, it’s probably a handgun. Ditto for the boy who goes to the wrong door to pick up his siblings, the girl who drives into the wrong driveway, the kid whose ball rolls into a neighbor’s yard.
What is wrong with us as a nation that we allow these things to happen? Do we have no power to stop the killing? I used to want only the military grade weapons banned, but I’m starting to fall over the edge.
The Republicans already killed millions during the Covid pandemic with their “drink bleach” “shine a light up your butt” “don’t wear masks” and “don’t get vaccinated” policies. How many more of us have to die because of their gun…