Member-only story
Finally, An Exciting Day
I went out today to get my hair cut. It’s the first time I’ve had my hair cut professionally in a year. I woke up early this morning, too excited to sleep.
I put on make-up. I chose my outfit carefully. I actually did not wear sweatpants. I put on real, big-girl jeans. I put on a nice sweater that I used to wear to teach in. I wore my London Fog trench coat, rather than the fleece jacket I’ve been wearing for months. I wore a little perfume. I had butterflies as I walked out the door.
I had no idea where the salon was, so I programed the address into my GPS on my phone and set off, leaving 5 extra minutes for traffic and lights.
I need a GPS for dummies. It told me to turn right in a quarter of a mile. I can’t judge a quarter of a mile, so when it told me to turn right and I didn’t see anything that looked like a driveway, I kept going, figuring I’d recognize something that looked like something I should turn in to. The GPS didn’t say anything more, so I turned around. Now, turning around on a four lane highway where everyone is going 65 isn’t easy, since I had to find either a turn around lane or a light. I finally successfully got on the other side and tried again. Again, the GPS said in a quarter of a mile turn right. I found something that looked like a driveway, and, sure enough, there was a salon. I went to the door and knocked. Nothing. I stood back and saw the “closed” sign. My hair dresser messaged me and told me to go to the back door, through the fence. I walked around the building and found the back door…