Jo An Fox-Wright Maddox
Jo An Fox-Wright Maddox

Let me introduce myself by sharing my favorite (so far) of the over 200 stories I've written on Medium: If you like that one, you'll like my writing. If not...well, there are a lot of good writers on here.

I taught writing to college students for 34 years. I taught grammar and sentence structure and organization and ways to write good intros and good conclusions. I used a lot of humor, because that's who I am.

After 34 years, I found myself without a job. I briefly thought about becoming a greeter at Walmart, but when I found Medium, I decided to put into practice all the things I'd been teaching all those years. I explore anything that comes into my twisted little brain and let my fingers do the walking. Living 70 years has given me lots of experiences that I can share, mostly showing people what not to do. I don't hold my life up as a shining example of what life can be; it's more of a "what not to do" approach. I write to entertain, teach, and keep myself busy. I hope you enjoy reading my stuff as much as I enjoy writing it.

Medium member since April 2023
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Jo An Fox-Wright Maddox

Jo An Fox-Wright Maddox

Former English professor ponders life, love, and how to leap tall buildings in a single bound.