
That’s my Medium profit for May

Jo An Fox-Wright Maddox
2 min readJun 8, 2024


Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

The first year I wrote on Medium, I averaged about $50 a month. Some months I made $100. I never wrote for the money; I wrote because I enjoyed it, and I enjoyed the interplay with other writers.

Two years later, I haven’t made over $5 profit once my $5 monthly fee is deducted. I’ve written nearly 600 articles for Medium. I’m no Hemingway or Evanovich, but I write well, and some of my stories are quite humorous. Some are political, as I feel strongly about the state our country is in right now. I share some of the wisdom I’ve managed to gain over 72 years on the planet.

I’ve never been boosted or recognized in any way, except by a few of my most loyal readers, and that’s okay. I’m not out to win any awards, and I really don’t want to make enough money to have to pay tax on it like I did the first year.

But it’s just strange that the longer I’m on here, the less I make, and this last month I’ve actually seen a loss of fans. That never happened before. I’ve also heard that some of my fans who want to be notified when I write aren’t getting the message.

Fast forward to June, and I haven’t even made a dollar in the 8 days so far this month.

I don’t know what happened here, but when I stop making enough to cover my fee, I don’t think I’ll stay here. I am not going to pay to have people read my writing.



Jo An Fox-Wright Maddox

Former English professor ponders life, love, and how to leap tall buildings in a single bound.